Default Or Design? 3 Mindset Shifts to Unleash Your Passion-Fueled Success

By Gina Bell

Wow! Can you believe another month has passed by? Are you feeling restless? Have some of your New Years Resolutions or grand intentions for your success fallen away?

Let’s get you back on track…

Here are three essential shifts that will motivate you to gain the clarity and focus you need to influence and enjoy a more positive direction in your life and business.

(Note: A willingness to be completely honest with yourself is absolutely critical.)

1. Default to Design!

Are you letting life happen to you? Have you clearly defined your goals and how you’re going to achieve them?

It’s time to wake up! You are in the driver’s seat! You are the Captain of your destiny. You CAN create your life – the way you really want it! The true breakthrough lies here… Realizing that YOU are the key to creating more success and happiness in your life is the very first step.

2. Confusion to Confidence (Develop Your Authentic Vision):

Often new entrepreneurs make the mistake of jumping into business with both feet before putting a lot of thought into what the end destination may be. It’s like going to the airport, hopping on the next available plain, hoping for a tropical destination and ending up in Alaska versus taking the time to schedule the appropriate flight and accommodations related to the tropical vacation you were dreaming of. Hope is not a strategy.

To eliminate confusion ask yourself: What are your dreams? What matters to you? What does success mean to you? What do you really want for your life? What is your why – why did you become an entrepreneur? And dig deep on this one… If there were no barriers to your success and tomorrow you could wake up to the life and business of your dreams, what would that look like?

Be as specific as possible when you answer these questions and remember… the answers must come from YOU not from what success looks like for someone else such as a “celebrity guru”.

3. Become MINDFUL of Success (Develop Success Awareness):

“Nurture your mind with great thoughts for you will never go any higher than you think.” ~ Benjamin Disraeli

When you are mindful and aware it means you are actively attentive, and deliberately keeping something in mind.

Clearly define what success means to you and keep it in front of you. You could do this by creating a vision board or vision story or simply keeping a journal that you reference on a regular basis. The key is to be mindful of your authentic dreams, desires and destinations so that you are always moving towards them.

Become a student of success; read; learn; find a coach or mentor; surround yourself with successful people; listen to audio programs; immerse yourself in the idea of success and you will begin to see success all around you.

As Mahatma Gandhi said… “Be the change you want to see”.

So what do you want your reality to be like? Begin crafting it today through new choices, positive intentions and purposeful action.

And, if you’re really serious about 2010 being the year you astound yourself with big leaps in your business think about what you are willing to do to make that a done deal. The Equity-Rich Women Online coaching programs may be the catalyst you need. They’re devoted to success-driven women who are ready to experience a new level of momentum.

You can read about them here:

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? Please do! Just be sure to include this complete blurb with it: About the Author: Gina Bell teaches success-driven women entrepreneurs how to build “equity-rich” internet-based businesses so they can enjoy all the fun, freedom and good fortune they deserve. Learn more about Gina’s programs and gain access to FREE coaching, inspiration & advice at:

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The Key To Success in Blogging

Finally, I have it figured out. There is one key reason why some people succeed at blogging and others fail. The key to success? Action.
I know bloggers, myself included, who will spend hours reading about how to achieve success in blogging. They make big plans, daydream about what it would be like to be the next million dollar blogger.
They buy ebooks and systems that promise to tell them the secrets to success.
But they don’t follow through.
Success in blogging takes action, it takes work.

You have to work to write quality posts that add unique value. (Not easy to do when you are competing with millions of other websites and bloggers.)
You have to work to improve the quality of your writing. Proofread and re-write your articles so they are free of mistakes. Make sure your ideas are clear, engage your readers.

And despite all the sites that will tell you write good content and the readers will come… (not true) you have to take action to promote your blog. Post on forums, comment on blogs. Never, ever spam. Always provide value.

Success in blogging is not easy, but it is simple. Take action.

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Are You Sabotaging Your Success?

I would like to share with you one of my favorite success quotes.

[by Marianne Williamson] Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

I often wonder how often we sabotage our own success, just because we believe that we are not worthy of true and amazing success. How often have you set limits on yourself, just because you thought others might think that you were “uppity” to even try? Have you ever looked at a successful person, and thought that you “just weren’t that type”?

Today, go out and try to be amazing. Go after that huge client, try out for the lead role, apply for your dream job. You just might surprise yourself!

How to Achieve Peak Performance

By Kevin Sinclair

Do you often find it difficult to finish your work at home or at office on time, in spite of those long hours you spent behind organizational training? Don’t fret, below I have listed the top 7 tips to help you elevate your performance.

1. Is there something in particular that motivates you?

It is important for you to understand what are the things that motivate you the most, in order to increase your performance. Often times, some competitive activities bog us down. Thus, in such situations we need to identify the factors that stimulate us and compel us to get started with the important tasks first.

2. Arrange your priority list

List all the activities that you need to carry out during the day and then arrange them according to their order of priority. This would make sure that the really important jobs get completed quickly and on time.

However, while preparing your to do list, be realistic and don’t set unachievable goals.So arrange your work list according to their importance.

By doing this, you will realize that half your problem is solved.

3. Plan of Action

It’s time for action. Refer to your priority list and start doing your work. All the thinking is done. Now, it’s time for you to focus on getting your work done on time.

It is so easy to get distracted with phone calls, emails or chat with a colleague who drops by.

However keep in mind that it’s very easy to get sidetracked by phone calls, chats or emails and that is why it’s important that you keep aside separate time for social networking.
Set up a fix time each day to check your emails. Don’t give in to chatting with your colleagues during work hours. As far as phone calls are concerned, unless it is really urgent, don’t take the call, just leave a message telling them that you will get back to the caller later.

Once you start following a strict routine, your associates will get well acquainted with your work timings.

4. Rejoice all your accomplishments

In order to keep yourself stimulated, do celebrate every small and big success equally. Don’t just celebrate when there is a huge success in your life, instead do rejoice whatever you achieve, however small it be. Count your number of success and garner more energy to achieve even further.

5. Mental Preparation.

Be positive. See your forthcoming success in your mind’s eye before you actually relish it in your real life. This may sound a bit spiritual to you, but trust me, positive vibes do wonders. So if you want to achieve great result, foresee them. Don’t let negative thoughts dominate you.

If you have second thoughts about something, prepared yourself to counter the wrong and make it right. Think positive and be positive to bring out positive changes in your life.

6. Keep A Record

Paper is patient than man. Jot down your goals. Write down about all your achievement, ponder on them and think of ways you can innovate and according set your goals.

7. Stop Procrastinating

Procrastination is dangerous. So try to overcome procrastination at all costs.

Figure out the things you like to do (shopping, eating etc ) and treat yourself once you have achieved your set goals.

You must be knowing that in schools, the teachers grade the students, draws smilies and stars after checking their work. This is solely done to keep the kids motivated and encourage them to do even better the next time. Use the same technique with your self.

Keep the above tips in mind and put them in to practice. Start following the tips now ( now is the keyword) and you will see a positive difference in your life soon.

So ready to peak your performance, get started today!

Kevin Sinclair is the publisher and editor of Be Successful News, a site that provides information and articles on how to succeed in your own home or small business.

Article Source: expert: Kevin_Sinclair

I Love Free Stuff!

Just a quick post here.  I find the internet an amazing place filled with wonderful people. Nabanita’s Weblog posted a free review of my website The Work From Home Professional.  Thanks so much Nabanita!  It is a great review. Short and to the point.   In fact, that is what Nabanita’s Weblog seems to be about.  Short concise website reviews that are quick and easy to read.   Lots of topics are covered, so if you are looking for new blogs to discover go check out the site.

Achieve Success by Giving Things Away!

Sam FreedomSometimes I get so wrapped up in making money that I forget that sometimes you should do things just because. Just because it is a nice thing to do, or just because it would be fun, or even just because someone else needs you to do it.

Then I run across someone giving something away, and I see that sometimes being generous can create its own success. That was the case today. While I was surfing the web today I came across Sam Freedom’s Internet Marketing Controversy Blog.

If you have been on Entrecard for awhile you probably know about Sam. He is not afraid to stir up a little controversy. Now he is getting a lot of attention for another reason. He is giving away free backlinks on his PR4 blog. You can get one just by leaving a quick comment. Then, he’ll give you even more links for subscribing to his feed, or blogging about the give-away. 🙂

From the looks of things, giving away backlinks has been very successful for Sam. There are over 80 comments on his post and he has almost 300 subscribers to his feed. Now you can never have too many PR4 backlinks, so I suggest you hope on over to Sam Freedom’s Internet Marketing Controversy Blog. and get yourself a few.

And then, because imitation is the greatest form of flattery, (isn’t that so Sam!) I am going to make the same offer here on my blog. Unfortunately, I only have a PR3, and I still have to figure out how to make the whole blog no follow free, so I can’t be quite as good.

So here it goes, comment on this post to say Thanks and include your link. Normal rules apply, not adult sites, no spam. There is one link for you.

Subscribe to my feed and I’ll add another link for you on this page.

And if you write a blog post about my site, I’ll write a quick post about your site, complete with link and anchor text. How does that sound? And just maybe, if you help me out and tell all your friends, I can get more comments on this post than Sam has on his! Wouldn’t that be fun!

Surround Yourself With SUCCESS

Surround Yourself With SUCCESS
By Clark Faint

I once heard from some random wise source that you as a person are basically the sum of every other person you’ve ever met. This idea is nothing new and I’ve found on many levels how true it really is. I’d be willing to bet that the level of success of your health, wealth, and relationships are directly attributable to the 5 people you spend the most time with. Think about it! If you are rich, successful, healthy, and have tons of great relationships in your life then this is probably no mystery to you. If you aren’t doing as well in these categories and you have a friend that’s sick all the time, a broke or unsuccessful friend that is doing absolutely nothing to improve his/her situation, a friend who is terrible with people, and/or a combination of these in your top five then it’s time to reexamine your current situation!

I’ve had several epiphanies throughout my life about this phenomenon. The first time I somewhat realized it was when I came home to hang out with family and friends after being in the Air Force for a few years. All my friends and much of my family were doing the same old things they had been doing when I left. Many of them were worse off! A few were doing well or better than when I left but I couldn’t really tell you about the friends that aren’t there any more because they are probably the really successful ones who have moved on! In any case, during my interactions with them and throughout the course of all my time spent at home since then I can just sense a difference in myself as I relate to them. I have (and continue to have) life experiences that put me in a position to be much more successful than they are. It’s not that they aren’t capable of success on their own, but that they are either a) content with staying where they are in life or b) settling for what they’ve got and letting their potential go to waste. I still have love, respect, and care for all of my friends. Deep down, however, I know that many of them will stay in the same place they are in for the rest of their lives because they will not make the slightest behavioral changes to get to where they need to go. The level of discipline, responsibility, the constant travel, meeting new people, experiencing new cultures, and overall just gaining experiences from my time in the Air Force and on my own puts me at a huge advantage over many of the people I grew up with. Not to sound condescending, but I feel that I am much more successful and will continue to be than the majority of my old friends for the rest of my life.

Now what about a situation where I was thrust into a group of people who were much more successful in business and life than me? If you’ve read my post about my visit to the Playboy Mansion, it’s obvious that I was a spectator among a great deal of VERY SUCCESSFUL people there. There were many millionaires and multi-millionaires there spread out among many walks of life: actors, professional athletes, writers, models, internet marketers, musicians, and many more. This experience had me in awe at the time. In retrospect, I use it for motivation. In fact I use just about every successful person I come in contact with for motivation whether I meet them personally or not. Remember at the beginning when I said you are a combination of everybody you ever meet? Take that literally. If you have the opportunity to meet someone who has the kind of success you would like to have even a fraction of, enjoy the moment and possibly try to learn a little something from them right then and there. I have had the opportunity to meet quite a few celebrities and if the opportunity presents itself, I try to learn something from each of them. One of my favorite things to ask someone who I would like to emulate in some way is “In two seconds right now, what’s the best piece of advice you can give me about (thing you are most curious about)?”

I’ve gotten many jewels from quite a few successful people this way that I’m sure will go on to serve me well for the rest of my life. Remember “small-chunking” it? Consider it a mini-modeling session.

You don’t have to be out schmoozing with celebrities to take advantage of this though. You can get a much more intimate and prolonged mentoring session by picking up autobiographies or just studying facts about those you admire and who have attained the kind of success you want for yourself. Take time to reflect on the things you read and let them really soak in. What traits make this successful person successful? How can you incorporate that into your routine? Don’t just think about it either. Do it! Make a conscious effort to emulate success.

Another thing to consider is your friends and the company you keep. Do they bring you up and enable you to maintain/grow the level of success you are having now? Or are they content with mediocrity and just want to stay in their rung at the bottom of the ladder? I’m willing to bet that you have more than one friend in your top five that fits the latter description. I know I have had that problem at many times during my life and yes it is a problem. As your success grows you will grow as well and vice versa. Some friends just can’t deal with it.

One of my best friends from back home hung out with me for a week recently and he was really on hard times. I took him out with me around parts of Baltimore and Maryland, which is a much bigger scene than he’s used to. I interacted with people and acted much more assertively and confidently than I’m sure he ever remembers me being when we were younger. At the end of our time together, he was telling me how much I had changed and how it seems like I’m not even the same guy he grew up with. I took that as a compliment. I tried my best to give him some advice he could possibly turn his life around with but as usual I could tell it was going in one ear and out the other. Now I still care for my friend and he could call me any time. But in many respects I’ve cut ties with this guy because he will take away from my success and drag me down in the opposite direction with him. It’s just like when someone is drowning and you have to be very careful about how you approach them to save their life because they will just be so panicked they will drag you both down under the water to a certain death. The point here is to not get dragged under the level of success by a friend who is drowning in failure.

The same thing applies when you are dealing with VERY successful people. You have to realize that they are successful for a reason and if you are going to try to learn something from them, it had better be a very important and well thought out question. This is some insight you want to get from this person that you can’t get just by your own study. These are the kind of people who you want to keep company and counsel with in order to reach their level of success. You don’t want to be the drowning victim who they won’t save because you’ll take you both under, so present yourself accordingly. Take the advice they give you and apply it and use what works and toss what doesn’t, as with any information you use to enrich your life.

One stereotype that I hear a lot of people cast on rich and/or successful people is that “the money changed them”. I don’t think that’s true at all. It all comes back to personal growth. Once they have experienced a level of success far above the people they’ve known, they realize they will have to be around people who have similar drives, goals, objectives, and motivation in order to maintain that success and propel it even higher. This is as true for the small business owner you know down the street as it is for the A-list actor.

This post can be concluded with a few points:

1. Pursue relationships with and learn from the kind of people who have the success you want to have. This may sometimes mean leaving behind friendships so you can gain new ones. This doesn’t mean forgetting about your friends or being too good to talk to or hang out with them any more. It does mean spending more time working on yourself and learning from new mentors and in all likelihood less time with your regular circle of friends.

2. If you have a friend who wants your counsel or advice to get to where you are, GIVE IT TO THEM! But only if you judge them to have the drive and commitment that will get them to a level of success that you can also benefit from them in return.

3. Don’t feel insulted or miffed if your friends comment or complain that you have changed or are changing. Take this as a compliment! They notice your personal growth. This can inspire intimidation or jealousy among some of your less secure friends. It comes with the territory. Don’t hesitate to explain to them the path you are on, but ONLY if they ask. A true friend will not judge you or ask you to stop your train on the fast track to success and you would be foolish to let them do so.

4. Be a value-giver and not a value-taker. Even when you are learning something from a mentor, if you are attentive and ask inquisitive questions you are probably teaching them something just as much you are learning by giving them new insights and perspectives they had not previously considered.

5. Don’t EVER be jealous of another person’s success. Be inspired and motivated by it and use it as an example to learn from and fuel your own success.


Copyright © 2008 by Clark Faint

Clark Faint
Personal Development: Better Health, Wealth, and Relationships for Life™

Clark Faint is extremely motivated in improving every facet of his life and he wants the same for you. He was in the Air Force for 7 years, being fortunate enough to gain many new skills and travel to exotic international locations. He also did a danger-filled tour in Iraq. Now that he has moved on to life after the service, he’s pursuing his passion of writing about personal development techniques that offer VALUE and improve his life so that you can use them to improve yours as well. Clark has read many good books, met many awesome people, partied at the Playboy mansion in Hollywood, and even just sat at home on the weekend to meditate. Clark is just a down-to-earth guy who believes in living an awesome life and helping others.

Article Source: expert Clark Faint

Ninja Bloggers

Do you know why Bloggers are like Ninjas? I didn’t either until I read this funny post over at Diligent-Design.

Reason #1 We’re trained in Unorthodox art.

Show me a blogger who uses Drupal (I just cannot get the hang of that software) and I’ll show you a blogger who’s trained in an unorthodox skill. We know SEO, Marketing, Promotion, Content Writing, and that most strange of all the internet phenomenon, we know Social Media. Bloggers know how to sneak keywords into content and still make it exceptional…

To find out more you will have to jump on over to Diligent-Design.

Law Of Attraction – 3 Important Things You Should Know

Law Of Attraction – 3 Important Things You Should Know
By Peter Royle

There are 3 concepts that simply must be part of your understanding if you wish to succeed in making the law of attraction work powerfully for you.

  • Believe your Reality
  • Evolve your Brain
  • Create your Day

Believe your reality

The ultimate tool for making the law of attraction work consistently and powerfully is true belief.

On the surface this may sound romantic, light weight and somewhat simplistic. You say, surely things change because I do something about them, not because I simply believe they will be different.

Nothing could be further from the truth, from a Quantum Physics perspective, your belief, in your reality, is the key to shaping the unseen, collapsing the very fabric of the universe to meet with your expectation, allow me to briefly explain.

Within Quantum Physics there is a concept called super position, basically this is referring to sub atomic particles being located in multiple positions, that is, the same particle being in as many as 3000 different or potential locations simultaneously. When a particle is interacted with through your conscious observation, it collapses to a single point in time and space, and the final location of that particle is determined by where you believe your reality should be set.

Now, everyone is an observer, and everyone is collapsing the quantum field, so your reality is not only made up of that which you believe, but also that which everybody else believes as well.

However, there is a reality which is not yet collapsed, there is a world that has not been observed by anyone except you, that world exists only in your mind, and it is called your future.

To learn more about the methods used to generate and strengthen new beliefs, refer to my article called Law of Attraction – Cooperative Reality.

Evolve your Brain

This next concept is vital, and if you gain some understanding if how it works, it will revolutionize your ability to apply the various law of attraction methods like visualization and intention.

Your reality exists for you as a kind of subjective interpretation of your senses, displayed to you from your subconscious mind in a kind of cinematic presentation. In fact, what you perceive from your surroundings is presented to you as a series of sensory images displayed at roughly 60 frames per second.

When you use the various methods within the law of attraction, visualization, intention, gratitude etc, what you are actually doing is physically rewiring the brain, changing the neural structure of your mind in order for your sub conscious to begin presenting a brand new set of information based around your new image of reality.

The most important thing you must understand about rewiring the brain, is that you must be consistent with the methods, the more regularly you visualize and make intentions, the quicker and stronger you build this new level of mind. This then ties in directly to the first concept, once you begin to build this new structure of reality in the brain, your sub conscious presents that new reality to you, which allows you to consciously believe that it is true.

Create your Day

Last but not least, you are a creator, and you must learn to use your creative ability to your advantage.

The best creative method I have found for use with the law of attraction comes from the teachings of Ramtha, he calls it “Create Your Day”, and here is how it works.

The first thing you need to do is attain a quietened state of mind, and unless you are trained in meditation, you may find this difficult to achieve. There is however, a time in every persons day where this state is natural, it is that moment when you first wake from sleep. This is a very important time, it is the moment before considerations of the day exist, before your existing neural net has begun to boot up along with all of its preconceived ideas about what you should expect in your reality today. At this moment your ability to truly believe a new idea or possibility is open, and you can begin constructing a new framework for reality.

Initially you may not remember to begin this process as soon as you awake, but as I mentioned in an earlier chapter, the important thing is that you activate the creative process whenever you do think about it, and don’t be frustrated if this takes a little while to master, you can even set your alarm as a reminder to begin this process when you first awake, but if you miss that moment just do it when ever you remember.

If you can begin to embrace these three concepts alone, your experience in using the law of attraction will change dramatically. I wish you every success as you reach forward to your new reality.

Kindest Regards


Article Source: Peter Royle
Law-Of-Attraction—3 Important Things You Should Know

Enhance Success by Modifying Your Environment

By:Lewis Churty

There are many factors that contribute to success in business. Knowledge, skill, luck, timing, bravery, charisma; pretty much every personality trait has a part to play. Of dramatic importance is the mindset with which we approach our business endeavor; our opinion on our efforts, do we think we will succeed or fail and how happy we feel as we are working. The more tuned this mindset is to success, the more we start to change our behavior in small ways, to make such success a reality.

To attain such results is easier than you would think, in fact, merely by modifying your environment in a number of very small and subtle ways, you can start to pick up on subconscious signals which your brain will use to change your behavior and become more receptive to success. These changes do not have to be large or encroach upon your personal space and they should not require any major rearranging of your home or office.

The tips below are all things that have worked for me personally. Everyone’s work space is different of course so it is important to apply the concepts mentioned below to your own environment and see what works best for you.

Pictorial stimuli – Most of us have pictures of our loved ones somewhere around the area where we work. Being constantly in sight of those pictures resolves and reinforces the idea of affection and familiarity with those in the photos. The subtle introduction of a number of images of wealth and success (beautiful holiday destinations for example or expensive cars or homes) we will begin to associate these images with ourselves and our family and our brain will become more tuned to making such ideas a reality.

Get to the route of problems – This tip is actually based on a principle from Feng Shui and is primarily from those who work at home. If you have clear and easy paths to the areas of the house that you use for work related actions then you are telling your brain that you want to follow such paths. Try not to hide your printer or fax machine away behind a door if you need it regularly, if you make sure the walk from your computer to your coffee machine is clean and clear of obstruction then you are less likely to linger on the way eating up work time. Choose the areas of house that are most important when you are working and examine the routes between them. Now picture your office as the center of the web of these routes so they all lead back there and not to each other. The front door, the telephone in the other room, the bathroom, the kitchen, if the routes between these places leading back to your office are accessible then you are telling your brain that you want to walk them and get back t work.

Sort out your desk and your desktop – Effective organization of your work area is important both for efficiency and for creating a successful mindset. Lets consider the computer first. Making changes to your computer is easy and yet so important for the vast majority of business work is done on the screen these days. So make your computer up to reinforce the successful mindset idea. Have a successful image as your desktop background, change file and folder names to sound more successful (‘Past Conquests’ sounds a lot more powerful than ‘Old Accounts’ for example) and keep your desktop clean and organized so that nothing hinders the introduction of new work. Likewise your desk should be arranged to optimize success. Keep it clean and tidy and arrange your paraphernalia in the order that you would prefer to use it. For most this would mean having outgoing mail and waste paper basket, even shredder set far from the seat at the desk to tell the brain that we don’t want to make mistakes or waste time and we would prefer a situation where we receive opportunities and offers and are not the ones sending them out. Keeping certain items on the desk permanently is also important, having a constant spot where your coffee is placed means you don’t need to rearrange everything whenever you need a caffeine kick and having a permanent spot for a to-do list reinforces the idea that there is always something else to achieve.

Add some mirrors – There is often a significant feeling of isolation, even oppression for people as they work. Feelings that you are unsuccessful often manifest themselves in this way and we begin to associate leaving or expanding the work area with happiness. However, the clever addition of a mirror or two in strategic places can trick the brain into associating such expansion with yourself and your office or area. Ideal places for mirrors are opposite windows (and it is important that these are kept clean) or facing beautiful scenic pictures and photographs. Correct mirror placement can help the subconscious transcend the immediate surroundings resulting in more expansive thinking and a happier frame of mind.

When we are working we do not want to feel like we are just ‘working’, it is much nicer to believe that we are ‘achieving’ or ‘succeeding’ and all this takes is the correct outlook on our efforts. Start creating your outlook today, make a positive change to your environment and maybe you’ll attain just the level of success you are looking for.