Easy Blog Promotion

Three Easy Ways To Promote Your Blog and Get Feedback

Thanks to Ferox for stepping in today! Read more from Ferox at one of her blogs.

Nearly Dr. Ferox
Corollax a Dungeons and Dragons Blog
Rant of Ferox

When you’re starting out in the world of blogging and have your shiny new blog up and running, the thing you crave most is visitors and comments. You want to know that someone out there is reading what you’ve gone to all that effort to write.

Trying to promote a blog can be difficult and time consuming. There is a whole new language of SEO to learn, and the lingo surrounding blog promotion can be daunting. After all, the internet is a big place and there’s an awful lot of stuff in it. Fortunately, there are a few certain ways to get some precious feedback and valuable traffic to your blog, and it’s easy to do!

The first site I’d like to mention is Blog Engage (www.blogengage.com). This website allows you to register and post your blogs for free. You can post an entry for each post you make in your blog, and readers can ‘engage’ the post to increase its ranking. It doesn’t take very long at all; you just need to know your URL and a brief description of the post. You can also read posts from other blogs, searching all posts easily by their popularity and subject.

The second thing I’d like to mention is joining a blog forum and actually asking for feedback. There are always people around who are happy to offer up some of their experiences, and if they like what they see in your blog they are very likely to hang around as regular readers! Bloggeries (www.bloggeries.com) has a blog forum which I have personally used, and found lots of helpful advice, tools and feedback. You can introduce yourself and your blog there very easily, all you have to do is register a forum account to post.

Social networking sites allow users to share their favourite links. If you are a member of a social networking site (eg stumbleupon, facebook etc) then you can post links to your own sites. If you ask your friends to do the same, then your blog could spread around the internet very quickly.

These three simple methods don’t take up much time, and can give you some very fast feedback when establishing a new blog. There are many other methods to promote your blog if you are serious about it, but these will take time and commitment. Building up backlinks, comments and directory submissions make much more time and often yield smaller results compared to the methods mentioned previously.

3 replies on “Easy Blog Promotion”

  1. Digg is a cruel high school clique, IMO. But I found great success with Stumbleupon. Many times ten to fifteen stumbles can lead to a couple hundred views. They also have an advertising program which you should check out. It’s .05/click and you can get as many as you’d like in one day. .05 may sound like a lot per click but it can lead to much bigger things.

  2. Actively participating in a forum is a great way to find people who can help you with your business. There might be some people in the community who are a lot more experienced in what you’re doing, and are willing to give you a helping hand. Don’t miss that chance!

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