The Key To Success in Blogging

Finally, I have it figured out. There is one key reason why some people succeed at blogging and others fail. The key to success? Action.
I know bloggers, myself included, who will spend hours reading about how to achieve success in blogging. They make big plans, daydream about what it would be like to be the next million dollar blogger.
They buy ebooks and systems that promise to tell them the secrets to success.
But they don’t follow through.
Success in blogging takes action, it takes work.

You have to work to write quality posts that add unique value. (Not easy to do when you are competing with millions of other websites and bloggers.)
You have to work to improve the quality of your writing. Proofread and re-write your articles so they are free of mistakes. Make sure your ideas are clear, engage your readers.

And despite all the sites that will tell you write good content and the readers will come… (not true) you have to take action to promote your blog. Post on forums, comment on blogs. Never, ever spam. Always provide value.

Success in blogging is not easy, but it is simple. Take action.

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2 replies on “The Key To Success in Blogging”

  1. Good post, but you forgot one critical thing, traffic. 🙂
    I do totally agree with what you said, it is an action thing, and you hit it on the head with people buying ebooks and shiny objects…I’m guilty of that when I started, and then I learned it’s not a get rich quick thing, it’s a lot of work. Lot’s of hard work. I liked your post, thank You!!!
    .-= The Niche Think Tank´s last blog ..Another day another dollar =-.

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