Default Or Design? 3 Mindset Shifts to Unleash Your Passion-Fueled Success

By Gina Bell

Wow! Can you believe another month has passed by? Are you feeling restless? Have some of your New Years Resolutions or grand intentions for your success fallen away?

Let’s get you back on track…

Here are three essential shifts that will motivate you to gain the clarity and focus you need to influence and enjoy a more positive direction in your life and business.

(Note: A willingness to be completely honest with yourself is absolutely critical.)

1. Default to Design!

Are you letting life happen to you? Have you clearly defined your goals and how you’re going to achieve them?

It’s time to wake up! You are in the driver’s seat! You are the Captain of your destiny. You CAN create your life – the way you really want it! The true breakthrough lies here… Realizing that YOU are the key to creating more success and happiness in your life is the very first step.

2. Confusion to Confidence (Develop Your Authentic Vision):

Often new entrepreneurs make the mistake of jumping into business with both feet before putting a lot of thought into what the end destination may be. It’s like going to the airport, hopping on the next available plain, hoping for a tropical destination and ending up in Alaska versus taking the time to schedule the appropriate flight and accommodations related to the tropical vacation you were dreaming of. Hope is not a strategy.

To eliminate confusion ask yourself: What are your dreams? What matters to you? What does success mean to you? What do you really want for your life? What is your why – why did you become an entrepreneur? And dig deep on this one… If there were no barriers to your success and tomorrow you could wake up to the life and business of your dreams, what would that look like?

Be as specific as possible when you answer these questions and remember… the answers must come from YOU not from what success looks like for someone else such as a “celebrity guru”.

3. Become MINDFUL of Success (Develop Success Awareness):

“Nurture your mind with great thoughts for you will never go any higher than you think.” ~ Benjamin Disraeli

When you are mindful and aware it means you are actively attentive, and deliberately keeping something in mind.

Clearly define what success means to you and keep it in front of you. You could do this by creating a vision board or vision story or simply keeping a journal that you reference on a regular basis. The key is to be mindful of your authentic dreams, desires and destinations so that you are always moving towards them.

Become a student of success; read; learn; find a coach or mentor; surround yourself with successful people; listen to audio programs; immerse yourself in the idea of success and you will begin to see success all around you.

As Mahatma Gandhi said… “Be the change you want to see”.

So what do you want your reality to be like? Begin crafting it today through new choices, positive intentions and purposeful action.

And, if you’re really serious about 2010 being the year you astound yourself with big leaps in your business think about what you are willing to do to make that a done deal. The Equity-Rich Women Online coaching programs may be the catalyst you need. They’re devoted to success-driven women who are ready to experience a new level of momentum.

You can read about them here:

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? Please do! Just be sure to include this complete blurb with it: About the Author: Gina Bell teaches success-driven women entrepreneurs how to build “equity-rich” internet-based businesses so they can enjoy all the fun, freedom and good fortune they deserve. Learn more about Gina’s programs and gain access to FREE coaching, inspiration & advice at:

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