A Successful Move from Blogger to WordPress

Recently I purchased The Work From Home Pro. There were a lot of things I liked about it. I liked the domain, I liked the posts all sorts of good stuff! What I didn’t like was although the domain and hosting were with GoDaddy, the blog was on a blogger platform.

I am a WordPress fan. I have more blogs than I care to count and they are all on WordPress. I like WordPress, I know WordPress. I have about a hundred themes for WordPress. Blogger I don’t know much about. It was awkward for me. I had trouble changing themes. I tried it for awhile, but I wanted to work with WordPress!

I started looking for how to make the switch. If you want to go from yourdomain.blogger.com to yourdomain.wordpress.com it was easy. I couldn’t find much on how to switch a self-hosted domain. I tried a few things and none of them worked. Thank goodness for backups!

Finally, John at RareVictorian.com came to my rescue! He had just moved his blog and he had the secret to making it all work.

I am going to assume you know how to install wordpress on your domain and all that. This is just how I finally got my blog where I wanted it!

1. Backup all your files. I just renamed the file where blogger FTP’d all my posts.

2. In your Blogger blog, go to Settings -> Publishing. Click on “switch to blogspot”.

3. Create an empty blog at wordpress.com (This is the free wordpress where you get yourdoman.wordpress.com)

4. From wordpress.com blog, use Manage->Import->Blogger to import from your blogger account into WP.com

5. From wordpress.com blog, Use Manage->Export to send them to a file on your pc.

6. Create a new, empty WordPress blog on your domain.

7.On your new WP blog, login and use Manage->Import->WordPress (at the bottom of page) to upload the file and import the posts.

8.Use Manage->Import->”Categories to tags converter” to get your tags from blogger converted to WP tags. By default, it imports them all as categories, which is higher-level than tags.

9. Go to Settings-> Permalinks. Choose custom structure and in the text box put /%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%.html
This will give your posts the same url as your blogger posts!

I know it is a bunch of steps. But this is what I had to do to make it work. When I tried to directly import from Blogger into my domain’s wordpress I kept getting time out errors.

All your posts and comments should now be in WordPress. You may need to fix some links and I had to move my image directory. Then you’ll want to go back and delete your wordpress.com blog and your blogger blog. You don’t want to have a bunch of duplicate content on the web!

There you go. This is what worked for me. If you give it a try let me know how it goes!

7 replies on “A Successful Move from Blogger to WordPress”

  1. All my sites use WordPress now. Even if I was doing a two-page site I would use it. It just has so many great features that come out of the box and all I have to concern myself with is content. And the more I use it, the more I learn about it.

    Doug’s last blog post..And Then??

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